Tree Care
We cut the bottom of your tree fresh when you buy. The fresh cut will be good for 4 hours. Then it seals its self and won’t drink water. So place in water asap! If not recut.
Tree Shearing Demonstration

Pricing Information
Prices of trees are based on species, size and degree of perfection. But quality is best judged by freshness above all else. A tree can look fine but if it doesn’t hold needles till after Christmas it has no quality and doesn’t add to the spirit of your Christmas.
My Fraser fir trees are the “finest“ because they pass the quality test. Attached needles stay attached till after Christmas. Why? because they were cut late, cared for correctly and shipped promptly from the Vermont farm to Pearl river.
My trees are true to size and will contribute to the spirit of Christmas in your household.
Share the tree buying experience with us in Pearl river Select a tree that came direct from The farm. Cut fresh week before thanksgiving.
All trees priced separately!
No chain saw required!
Select the size you want.
Enjoy full service don’t even get your hands dirty. Includes fresh cut,re baled and carried to your Car and tied on. Or if you wish do it yourself. Or in a hurry. A gift of sisal rope will help.
(But if you are traveling very far we suggest we tie on car”. Fred’s way. For safety sake.)
Satisfaction Guaranteed!
And we all wish you a very
Visit our tree farm operation in Rockland County, Pearl River, NY. Guarantee you will go away with the true spirit of Christmas. And The ”tree”!